Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

1898-P VAM-2D I2R5 AW110719

Obverse: III2-2
  • Date set at the Normal Left position. Closed 9.
  • Curved fine die gouges in field and denticles below RS2-RS5.
  • Weak wreath clash at the cap vee.
  • Dense thin polish lines in LIBERTY and in/around the cotton bolls/leaves.
  • Horizontal polish line in the void between wheat leaf and top left cotton leaf.
  • Thick diagonal polish line in the ear opening.
  • Weak wreath clash at Liberty's nose bridge/lips/chin.
  • Strong right wing clash at Liberty's neck. No letter transfer.
Reverse: C3a.
  • Fine cross-hatch polish lines in the wreath bow.
  • Dense polish lines in the upper/lower tail feathers and in the right/left leg triangle voids.
  • Curl clash from Liberty's hair at eagle's neck and top of head.
  • Neck clash from Liberty at the top of eagle's right wing below the n of In.
  • Cap vee clash at the inside of RW1.
  • Liberty's nose bridge/lips/chin clash at the inside of the left wreath.
Comments: This VAM appears to have 5 different stages. See Table of Contents. Stage 2 shows a clash event.
VAMWorld: [ VAM-2 ] [ VAM-2A ] [ VAM-2B ] [ VAM-2C ] [ VAM-2D ] [ VAM-2E ] [ 1898-P VW List ]
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Full Coin

1898-P VAM-2D Stage 2 AW110719 Coin #1
MS-64 PCGS Certification 81807306
1898P AW110719 Obv LFCP.jpg 1898P AW110719 Rev LFCP.jpg
Stage 2, Clashed. Comment.
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1898-P VAM-2D Stage 1 AW111219 Coin #2
1898P AW111219 Obv LFCP.jpg 1898P AW111219 Rev LFCP.jpg
Stage 1, Unclashed. Earlier stage than Coin #1. Polish lines overall are more agressive than on Coin #1. Unclashed. Earlier stage than Coin #1. Note the polish line from the second t of trust to the eagles head. Polish lines overall are more agressive than on Coin #1.
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1898-P VAM-2D Stage 1 AW112219 Coin #3
1898P AW112219 Obv LFCP.jpg 1898P AW112219 Rev LFCP.jpg
Stage 1, Unclashed. Earlier stage than Coin #1. Polish lines overall are more agressive than on Coin #1. Unclashed. Earlier stage than Coin #1. Note the polish line from the second t of trust to the eagles head. Polish lines overall are more agressive than on Coin #1.
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1898-P VAM-2D Stage 4 AW121419 Coin #4
1898P AW121419 Obv LFCP.jpg 1898P AW121419 Rev LFCP.jpg
Stage 4. Die gouges below RS2 are gone, but are slightly evident below RS2-1/2 - RS3. Strong horizontal polish line through the N-E of ONE. Strong diagonal polish lines thru L-A of DOLLAR as well as in the field below M_E_R of AMERICA. Note the polish line above/into the u-s of trust.
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1898-P VAM-2D Stage 4 AW122319 Coin #5
1898P AW122319 Obv LFCP.jpg 1898P AW122319 Rev LFCP.jpg
Stage 4. Die gouges below RS2 are gone, but are slightly evident below RS2-1/2 - RS3. Strong horizontal polish line through the N-E of ONE. Strong diagonal polish lines thru L-A of DOLLAR as well as in the field below M_E_R of AMERICA. Note the polish line above/into the u-s of trust.
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Full Coin

1898P_AW110719_Obv_LFCP 1898P_AW110719_Rev_LFCP 1898P_AW111219_Obv_LFCP 1898P_AW111219_Rev_LFCP 1898P_AW112219_Obv_LFCP 1898P_AW112219_Rev_LFCP 1898P_AW121419_Obv_LFCP 1898P_AW121419_Rev_LFCP 1898P_AW122319_Obv_LFCP 1898P_AW122319_Rev_LFCP
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Regional Landscape (All pics of Coin #1 unless noted in comments.)

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Comment. Comment.
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Comment. Not Used.
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VAM-2D Stages.

Pics courtesy of Heritage Auctions. Study done by Allan Scott (LateDateMorganGuy).
1898-P VAM-2D Die Stage 1
Die State 1 Obverse.jpg Die State 1 Reverse.jpg
Prominent gouges in the denticles below RS2-RS5. Comment.
1898-P VAM-2D Die Stage 2
Die State 2 Obverse.jpg Die State 2 Reverse.jpg
Clash event at Liberty's lips, neck and cap vee. Gouges in denticles below RS2-RS5 still easily seen. Clash event at LW1, RW1, top of right wing below n of In, at the top of the eagle's head & neck and below the eagle's left wing.
1898-P VAM-2D Die Stage 3
Die State 3 Obverse PL.jpg Die State 3 Reverse PL.jpg
It needs to be in PL. PL surfaces define the Die Stage 3 as it is an intentional event. No clash events present. Gouges at RS2-RS5 are fading. Note the horizontal die scratches at ONE, and LLAR at DOLLAR. No clash events present
1898-P VAM-2D Die Stage 4
Die State 4 Obverse.jpg Die State 4 Reverse.jpg
This is the worn down dies of DS3, i.e., die state instead of die stage. The only difference between DS3 and DS4 is the die wear that diminishes the features of the PL surfaces of DS3. Gouges at RS2-RS5 nearly gone. Diminished scratches at ONE (only 1 scratch obvious thru the top middle of N). Diminished polishing lines at LLAR of DOLLAR.
1898-P VAM-2D Die Stage 5
Die State 5 Obverse.jpg Die State 5 Reverse.jpg
Later die state (not die stage) of DS04. May be a start of a crack between 89 of the date. Gouges at RS2-RS5 nearly gone. Scratches at ONE (only 1 scratch obvious thru the top middle of N)and polishing lines at LLAR of DOLLAR appear to be gone. Toning may be hiding them..not sure.
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