1884-O VNC-5A 092717

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: The Date is set further right than is normal and is noted as a Far Date. Exiting from Liberty's Neck Line is a faint partially incused G in the second word of the Reverse Motto, In God We Trust, located on the Reverse side of the Morgan. Markers: None

REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: The VNC-5A has no Reverse attributes. Markers: None.

  • Exiting from Liberty's Jaw Line and running into the Field are two Obverse clash lines. These lines is caused by the clashing of the Eagle's Right Wing.
  • Liberty's facial profile shows the results of the clashing of Left Laurel Wreath Clusters #1 and #2.
  • Exiting from the top edge of the Eagle's Right Wing are two Reverse clash lines. One line runs between the n and the G in the first two words of the Reverse Motto. The other line runs to the left bottom part of the G. These clash lines were created by the clashing of Liberty's Neck Line.
  • Clusters #1 and #2 of both the Right and Left Laurel Wreaths show the effects of the clash events the Dies experienced during their production lifespan. A "Bat-Wing" clash mark is seen between Right Laurel Wreath Cluster #1 and the Eagle's Left Wing. That mark was created by the clashing of the Cap Vee area located at the lower portion of the Phrygian Cap. The right side of Left Laurel Wreath Cluster #1 shows the effects of the clashing of Lady Liberty's nostril and lips. Clash marks under and along the right side of the Eagle's Neck and between the Eagle's Head and Left Wing were caused by the clashing of Liberty's hair below the Ear.
  • You will see clash mark between the Eagle's lower Left Wing and the Arrowheads. The mark were created by the clashing of the lower portion of the Cotton Blossoms (Bolls). Whenever you see this type of clashing, carefully check to see if a raised E in the Obverse Legend, LIBERTY, is found between the Eagle's left lower Tail Feathers and Cluster #5 of the Left Laurel Wreath. This type of clashing has been associated with E transfers. In this case, an E transfer did not occur.

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Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on an area of interest for maximum detail. Click on the "Back Arrow" to return.

Full Coin

1884-O VMC-5A RTM092717
1884O RMLE092717 LFCP DSC 1159.jpg 1884O RMLE092717 LFCP DSC 1160.jpg
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Date and Mint Mark

1884-O VNC-5A RTM092717
rtm 1884 O 092717a.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717b.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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Attributed Features

1884-O VNC-5A RTM092717
rtm 1884 O 092717c.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717d.jpg
Comment: The Date is position further right than is normal; a far date. Comment: The signature feature of this Variety is the parially incused G exiting Liberty's Neck Line (Arrowed).
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General or Noted Features

1884-O VNC-5A RTM092717
rtm 1884 O 092717e.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717f.jpg
Comment: Comment: The marks on Liberty's Nose were caused by the clashing of the 1st and 2nd Clusters of the Left Laurel Wreath, which is located on the Reverse side of the Morgan.
rtm 1884 O 092717g.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717h.jpg
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rtm 1884 O 092717i.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717j.jpg
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rtm 1884 O 092717k.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717l.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1884 O 092717m.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717n.jpg
Comment: The marks seen around the Eagle's Head and Neck area were caused by the clashing of the hair swirls located below Liberty's Ear. Comment:
rtm 1884 O 092717o.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717p.jpg
Comment: The marks seen below the Eagle's Left Wing and above the Arrowheads and Shafts were caused by the clashing of the lower parts of the Cotton Bolls, which are located on the Obverse side of the Morgan. Comment:
rtm 1884 O 092717q.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717r.jpg
Comment: The arrows point to locations where doubling can be seen. This doubling is called "strike doubling" and is not a listable feature. The only doubling that is listable is doubling that was created during the die making process. All Morgans minted by that doubled die will show the exact same doubling throughout the production lifetime of that doubled die. Strike doubling occurs at the time a Morgan is minted; well after the die making process has been completed. Comment: The arrow points to a "Bat-Wing" clash mark. That mark was created by the clashing of the bottom portion of the Phrygian Cap surrounding the area known as the "Cap Vee".
rtm 1884 O 092717s.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717t.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1884 O 092717u.jpg rtm 1884 O 092717v.jpg
Comment: The arrows point to a line that was created by the clashing of the bridge of Liberty's Nose. Comment: The clash marks seen primarily on the 1st Cluster of the Left Laurel Wreath were created by the clashing of Liberty's Nostril and Lips.
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Full Coin

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-- RodMe - 28 Sep 2017
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