1890-P VNC-14 122716

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: The Date is set in the normal position and is slanted with the digit 1 closest to the Rim. A raised metal bump that is located in the Field in front of the nose and directly across from the lower part of Lady Liberty's eye can be seen. Slight doubling shows on Liberty's Nose, Lips, and Chin. And, Liberty's Ear is slightly doubled at the right inside wall and at the bottom outside part of the Ear Lobe. Markers: None.

REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: None. Markers: None.


  • This coin contains all of the features normally associated with the VAM-14. While this coin appears to be a VAM-14, my Page Heading notes this as a Variety Not Certified (VNC) as it has not been certified as a VAM-15A by PCGS, ANACS, NGC, or VSS.
  • A gouge is seen crossing from the Elbow of the Eagle's Left Wing to the Eagle's Neck.
  • Two die file lines can be seen at the top inside part of the Ear.
  • An Obverse clash line can be seen exiting the joint between Liberty's Jaw and Neck Line. The line was produced by the clashing of Eagle's Right Wing.
  • A Reverse clash line runs from the top edge of the Eagle's Right Wing and terminates just to the right of the n in the first word of the Reverse Motto, In God We Trust. The line was produced by the clashing of Liberty's Neck Line.
  • Both Right and Left Laurel Wreath Clusters #1 and #2 show the effects of the clash event.

Members of Silver Dye Photography participated in the development and completion of this work.


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Testing File Names (Full Coin)

1890-P VNC-14 RTM122716
rtm 1890 P 122716k1.jpg rtm 1890 P 122716o1.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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Date and Mint Mark

1890-P VNC-14 RTM122716
rtm 1890 P 122716a1.jpg rtm 1890 P 122716b1.jpg
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Attributed Features

1890-P VNC-14 RTM122716
rtm 1890 P 122716c1.jpg rtm 1890 P 122716d1.jpg
Comment: The Date in a normal position; but slanted with the 1 closest to the Rim. Comment: A raised metal feature is seen just off Liberty's Nose across from the lower portion of her Eye.
rtm 1890 P 122716e1.jpg rtm 1890 P 122716f1.jpg
Comment: The VAM-14 Main Topic Page notes that the Ear is doubled at the inside right wall and at the bottom of of the Ear Lobe. While the Ear is certainly doubled in the areas noted, I believe that the right outside of the Ear is doubled as well and that the doubling at the bottom of the Ear Lobe might actually be tripled. Comment: The VAM-14 Main Topic Page notes that there is slight doubling on the Nose to Chin area. But, I find it difficult to see the doubling; true doubling that is.
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General or Noted Features

1890-P VNC-14 RTM12716
rtm 1890 P 122716g1.jpg rtm 1890 P 122716h1.jpg
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rtm 1890 P 122716i1.jpg rtm 1890 P 122716j1.jpg
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rtm 1890 P 122716k2.jpg rtm 1890 P 122716l1.jpg
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rtm 1890 P 122716m1.jpg rtm 1890 P 122716n1.jpg
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Topic revision: r27 - 02 Apr 2019, RodMe

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