1878-S VNC-17C 040419

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: Denticle impressions can be seen at the edge of Liberty's Neck Line and on the left side of the lower loop of both 8s. The Ear is slightly doubled on the inside left and the letters of the Obverse Legend, LIBERTY, are doubled to the left, as well. The Obverse has been overpolished, which has resulted in loss of lower hair and Designer Initial integrity. The tip of the 4th Right Star is missing. Markers: None listed in VAMWorld's VAM-17C Page.

REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: Denticle impressions can be seen above some of the letters of the first and second words of the Reverse Legend, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, below the Eagle's left Tail Feathers, and beneath the letters OLL of Denomination, ONE DOLLAR. The D in DOLLAR is doubled and the small S Mint Mark is set a bit to the left of center. There is no breakage of the R in the last word of the Reverse Motto, In God We Trust. Markers: None listed in VAMWorld's VAM-17C Page.

NOTE: In 2009, the VAM-17A Discovery Coin was re-listed as the VAM-17C.

  • This coin has all the attributes associated with the VAM-17C. While this certainly appears to be a VAM-17C, my Page Heading notes this as a Variety Not Certified (VNC) as it has not been certified as a VAM-17C by the PCGS, NGC, or ANACS; nor has it been confirmed as a VAM-17C by VSS. This coin has been certified by SEGS as a VAM-17A, which later become VAM-17C. Because I've had no experience with that Third Party Grading service, I believe it appropriate to retain this coin's status as a VNC.
  • This Variety has the two Obverse die markers applicable to the VAM-17; the Die scratches in front of Liberty's Eye and the cross-hatched Die file lines found in the gap between the right Wheat Leaf and the Cotton Leaf.
  • The information contained in VAMWorld's VAM-17C Page notes that the letters LIBR of the Obverse Legend are doubled. This specimen clearly shows doubling on the letters LIBERT. The last letter, Y, appears to be doubled, but less so than the first six letters.
  • I am unable to definitely state that the Reverse die marker applicable to the VAM-17 is indeed present on this specimen of the VAM-17C.
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Full Coin

1878-S VAM-17C RTM040419
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Date and Mint Mark

1878-S VAM-17C RTM040419
rtm 1878 S 040419a.jpg rtm 1878 S 040419b.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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Die Markers

1878-S VAM-17C RTM040419
rtm 1878 S 040419c.jpg rtm 1878 S 040419d.jpg
Comment: Die scratches in front of Liberty's Eye is an Obverse die marker of the VAM-17. The VAM-17C also has this feature. Comment: Cross-hatched die file lines found in the gap between the right Wheat Leaf and the Cotton Leaf is also an Obverse die marker of the VAM-17. The VAM-17C also has this feature.
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1878-S VAM-17C RTM040419
rtm 1878 S 040419e.jpg rtm 1878 S 040419f.jpg
Comment: Denticle impressions in both 8s. Comment: Overpolishing resulting in loss of hair and Designer's Initial integrity. Please also note that the Blue and White arrow points to the missing Star tip.
rtm 1878 S 040419g.jpg rtm 1878 S 040419h.jpg
Comment: Denticle impressions at Liberty's Neck Line. Comment: Doubling of Ear.
rtm 1878 S 040419i.JPG rtm 1878 S 040419j.jpg
Comment: Comment: LIBERTY shows doubling to the left.
rtm 1878 S 040419k.jpg rtm 1878 S 040419l.jpg
Comment: Denticle impressions. Comment: Denticle impressions.
rtm 1878 S 040419m.jpg rtm 1878 S 040419n.jpg
Comment: Denticle impressions. Comment: Mint Mark set left.
rtm 1878 S 040419o.jpg RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.jpg
Comment: Doubling of D. Comment:
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General or Noted Features

1878-S VAM-17C RTM040419
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rtm 1878 S 040419z.jpg RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.jpg
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General or Noted Features (Additional Shots Added)

1878-S VAM-17C RTM040419
rtm xDSC 7197.jpg rtm xDSC 7202.jpg
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Full Coin

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-- RodMe - 04 Apr 2019
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