Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.
First four stars on right and first two stars on left doubled at bottom with first two on right showing strong shifts. Slight doubling on top of 7. Top of 7 showing in denticles as raised curved bar in denticle space below second 8 and short raised vertical bar in adjacent denticle space to left.
Strong wreath clash at the cap vee.
Weak wreath clash at Liberty's mouth.
Slight doubling of lower ear lobe and inside right of ear.
Clashed die with faint partial n of In from reverse next to Liberty head neck and faint ust of Trust from reverse showing in right hair vee of lower hair edge.
Wing clash at Liberty's neck.
Clash marks at the rear of jawline and the hair vee of the top of the eagle's head and beak.
Die crack acoss the bottom of Liberty's hair.
Remnant of a die gouge on Liberty's lower lip.
Die crack at the lower left of 7 in date proceeding clockwise thru the bottom of the date, the bust point, all left stars terminating at the top of the E. Break at the bottom left side of bottom loop of the first 8.
Die crack from the top right of U in UNUM to the M proceeding thru all right stars, RS6-RS1.
Weak die crack between the P and L, U and S ending at the dot.
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