1886-P VAM-1A1 010321

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: Digit 6 of the Date is closed and contains a curved line at the bottom portion of the upper loop. This is a single clashed Die with a partialy incused I and almost fully incused n of the first word of the Reverse Motto, In God We Trust. These transfered letters are seen in the Field off Liberty's Neck Line. The st of the last word in the Reverse Motto, can be seen in the Field just off the Hair Vee. The Ear is slightly doubled at the inside right and bottom of the Ear wall. Markers: None


The VAM-1A1 is a Top 100 Morgan Variety.


  • This coin has all of the attributes associated with the VAM-1A1 and has been certified as a VAM-1A1 by the ANACS.
  • An Obverse Clash Line can be seen exiting Liberty's Neck Line and running into the Field. This line was created by the clashing of the edge of the Eagle's Right Wing (Left Wing as viewed).
  • A Reverse Clash Line can be seen exiting the edge of the Eagle's Right Wing (Left Wing as viewed) and traveling up to the n in the first word of the Reverse Motto, In. This line was created by the clashing of Liberty's Neck Line.
  • There are clash marks seen on the Eagle's neck just below the mandible. This feature is known as the "Bearded Eagle effect"; in this case, just the beginning stage of that feature. These marks were created by the clashing of the hair swirls below Liberty's Ear.
  • This specimen contains an interesting looking post mint damage (PMD) feature that looks remarkably like an E. That feature is seen between the ends of the Tail Feathers and the Bow and Wreaths. While this feature looks similar to a E transfer, I don't believe it is a clash-related raised E transfer case.
  • A clash mark can be seen between the Left Wing (Right Wing as viewed) and Right Laurel Wreath Cluster #1. This feature is known as a "Bat Wing Feature" and was created by the clashing of the lower two-thirds edge of the Phrygian Cap (Cap Vee area).
  • Clash marks are present on the wing-side of Left Laurel Wreath Clusters #1 and #2. These marks were created by the clashing of the Nose to Chin region of Liberty's profile.

  • A feature that has been described as a "Snail" due to its shape, appears on a leaf of Right Wreath Cluster #4. This feature is of the Hub and is seen on Morgan Silver Dollars that were minted from at least 1881 through 1904. A photograph of this interesting looking feature can be viewed in the Section entitled Features of Special Interest. A photograph of the aforementioned *E*-like PMD feature is also found in the Features of Special Interest Section.

VAMWorld Main Topics: [ 1886-P VAM-1A1 ] [ 1886-P VAMs ]
SiverDye 1886-P Varieties: [ 1886-P Base ] [ 1A1 ]
SiverDye VAM-1A1 Topics: [ Base ]
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Full Coin

1886-P VAM-1A1 RTM020321
rtm 1886 P LFCP 020321a.jpg rtm 1886 P LFCP 020321b.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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Date and Mint Mark

1886-P VAM-1A1 RTM020321
rtm 1886 P 020321a.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321b.jpg
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1886-P VAM-1A1 RTM020321
rtm 1886 P 020321c.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321d.jpg
Comment: Closed 6 with a line in the upper loop. Comment: The In transfer.
rtm 1886 P 020321e.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321f.jpg
Comment: The st transfer. This transfer is very faint and I can only see what I believe to be a transferred t. In any event, I've marked the location where the st should appear. Comment: Doubled Ear.
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General or Noted Features

1886-P VAM-1A1 RTM020321
rtm 1886 P 020321g.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321h.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1886 P 020321i.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321j.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1886 P 020321k.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321l.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1886 P 020321m.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321n.jpg
Comment: Reverse Clash Line. Comment:
rtm 1886 P 020321o.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321p.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1886 P 020321q.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321r.jpg
Comment: Comment: Bat-Wing Feature.
rtm 1886 P 020321s.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321t.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1886 P 020321u.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321v.jpg
Comment: Wreath clash marks. Comment:
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Features of Special Interest

1886-P VAM-1A1 RTM020321
rtm 1886 P 020321w.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321x.jpg
Comment: The "Snail." Comment:
rtm 1886 P 020321y.jpg rtm 1886 P 020321z.jpg
Comment: The "Bearded Eagle" effect. Comment: PMD - E-like transfer feature.
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Full Coin

rtm_1886_P_LFCP_020321a rtm_1886_P_LFCP_020321b

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-- RodMe - 04 Feb 2021
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