Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.
Die crack from the top of the second 8 across the bottom of the hair terminating in the field below the second M of UNUM.
Die crack from the back of the cap across the cap fold/cap top into/across the wheat leave/kernals, thru the I of LIBERTY terminating in the upper hair. Tangental crack from cap crack between the UN of UNUM terminating in the denticles. Large break at the cap top to the right of the bent wheat leaf.
Pitting/roughness in the LIBERTY banner and around the cotton bolls.
Short, weak clash line at Liberty's neck.
Large crack with breaks from Liberty's neck to LS1.
Crack from Liberty's neck to/across Liberty's chin into the field then nose tip coming to a break and sharply angling to the front of Liberty's hair.
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